Saturday, March 20, 2010

Steadfast and Immovable

I believe that inside every one of us is an innate desire to be good and to do good. We all have an amazing potential for goodness. We all have the potential to do amazing things but we must take the chance and have the courage to be bold and stand up for what we passionately believe. It may well be the the greatest tragedy in this time of deep economic uncertainty that it is not the glaring noise of the so called bad people, but the incredible silence of the so called good people. In the movie the patriot, the lead character played by Mel Gibson, there was a scene where his house was burned and his family shot and taken away. He was being consoled by a woman who told him he had nothing to be ashamed of. he said "it is not what i have done that i am ashamed of, it is what i haven't done that i am most ashamed of". In this world we must all stand and be counted. to be bold about what we believe and to be passionate in our actions. the true measure of a man is not what he does or where he stands in moments of comfort or convenience, but where he stands and what he does at times of great challenge and controversy. Hard times not only develop character but it reveals it. we find out what we are made of when times are tough. we are capable of doing the right things and fighting for our beliefs. stand tall and be bold in the name of your passions. one day your destiny is to be remembered as a person who laid down your life for the passions woven into the fabric of your heart.

1 comment:

Diamond Necklace

Diamond Necklace
Niel spoiled me for our one year anniversary.